Easy Ways To Create Affiliate Resource Pages For Your Affiliate Programs

Is it possible to earn extra dollars by adding resource pages to an affiliate blog? The answer to this question is yes. As you know, affiliate marketing is a vast Field, and millions of people are stepping into affiliate marketing. But affiliate marketing is a gold mine for those who are earning thousands of dollars per month. But unfortunately, the affiliate marketing success rate is low.

The reason for the low success rate in affiliate sites is that people are using old techniques and not making an effort; they think only adding content and links to your products is enough to boost your affiliate business. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s true; you cannot earn a thousand dollars if you are not updating your affiliate site with time.

I read a lot of questions on quora and other platforms regarding affiliate earning, like how a beginner affiliate marketer can be successful.

How to be a successful affiliate like Flynn and Matt giovanisci? Let me tell you, start adding resource pages to your affiliate website and make extra money. Are you still not sure how you can earn money with resource pages? The results of top affiliate sites show that the websites that are adding affiliate resource pages are making more compared to the affiliate sites that do not add resource pages in them.

Top affiliate marketers like Robby Blanchard earn millions of dollars from their affiliate programs by just adding resource pages.

That’s why if you are interested to earn Extra money, follow and apply advanced techniques and tricks.

In this article, we will guide you on how resource pages can help to boost your affiliate marketing website. And here, I will help you to create a productive affiliate resource page in 2022.  So Keep reading this article.

What Is A Resource Page?

The pages on the website especially recommend essential information, tools, and favorite products. Basically, the purpose of resource pages is to provide useful contents that readers can use and download depending on a specific niche. The expert affiliate whose affiliate sites are making good income mostly add resource pages to their websites.

But what kind of resource page should an affiliate marketer add to the website? Actually, there are two types of resource pages: open resource page and closed resource page.

What Is An Open Resource Page?

An open resource page is an information page that the users can easily access and see the details without having to opt-in for them. Affiliate marketers must add open resource pages to your mailing list, etc. because it helps you grow your business faster. Keeping resource pages open for the common audience is perfect because anybody can access them freely without any hurdles.

What is A Closed Resource Page?

On the other hand, a closed or gated resource pages, you can access it without opt-in. The content of gated or closed resource pages will be visible only to the subscribed visitors of the website. That’s why a beginner affiliate marketer should create open resource pages.

What Are The Reasons For Creating A Resource Page

Do you know why affiliate marketers create resource pages? No? Don’t worry. I will explain; resource pages are beneficial because they help to increase your affiliate earnings in different ways. Here I mentioned a few reasons why resource pages are important for your website.

Unbury Contents

Have you ever noticed after some time, our ranked post with important information becomes dead? If you have owned a website for a long time and have a great number of posts on it, you can understand this. With time content becomes dead. Actually, the Google algorithm change with time; whenever Google introduced a new update, all websites, including affiliate websites, face this issue.

But it is observed that if you have a good resources page, then it can unbury this content again through linking your resource pages to these old contents..

Boosts Conversion Rates

If you have a resource page, then it can increase the conversion rate for your email list and affiliate links. Because more and more people can easily see your resource page and view your recommended top products easily if you also want to boost your conversion rate, create an open resource page and enjoy extra dollars.

Develops A Better User Experience

Do you know which websites get more permanent visitors? No? Let me tell you that actually people visit websites to get some information or buy products. If your website is user-friendly and helps the user to find a product and information easily, that means the visitor will come again and again to your website in future too. The Resources pages aid the user in finding the information easily. That’s why if you include resource pages on your affiliate website, it will engage more and more audiences.

Keywords Rich

Do you know how to get traffic to your page? It comes via Google Search. People put their keywords into a search engine and Google shows them your page in the results. If you load your resource pages with specific keywords that help you have more traffic. You can add one or multiple keywords to your resource page, which will help you, rank and get huge traffic.

More traffic with sharing

Every site has a niche. Each niche has some specific people that come to get information. A good resources page contains all the information your audience needs.  When people share resource pages, website get more traffic.

Build Authority

When you add a resource page on a website in an organized way, it increases your website’s authority in your niche and aids you in making extra money.

How To Create Resource Page?

Here are some tips to create resource pages such as:

1. Create the Resource Pages For Audience

The mistake most people usually make is that you only list the things they use.

As a professional, you are mostly far ahead and advanced as compared to your followers. It means you use different tools than your followers.

For instance, if all your programs work on infusionsoft using a custom plug-in we developed. These are very expensive options. Most of your readers will not be able to afford this. Thus you should also enlist the affordable options too.

2. List Your Best Products

Although this is an affiliate marketing page, the resource page should list those products, too, from which you don’t get an affiliate commission.

The resource page breaks down like this.

  • Affiliate links 16
  • My own products 3
  • Non-affiliate links 14

Your first goal should be to give good recommendations and suggestions to your readers.

Your main purpose should not be earning money. You should also know how many people are discovering new tools just because of you.

3. Recommend Your Trusted Products

The first thing you should do is decide what you want to put on your resource page. For instance, if you want to recommend your project management tool, a time tracker tool, or some online courses. Enlist them and do research on them. Then recommend them if you are satisfied with them. It’s easy to recommend something but difficult to gain your audience’.

4. Make Your Web Page Sticky

Sometimes it happens that readers do not find their wanted content on your Resources page, but they still find it very beneficial and entertaining thus, in this way, they will visit some other pages but will return back to your website again. It means that if you put helpful resource pages, then these are very sticky. They stick the visitors to your website.

Now, you will be aware of the importance of a helpful resource page.

5. Link Your Related Contents

It’s a pro tip; if you already have your page, then start putting the links to your recommended things. In this way, your audience will click the link and purchase things.

Content that you can add to your resource page

  • Blog post
  • Case studies
  • Downloadable guides

6. Organized Your Content

You can’t just put everything on your page randomly. Because this will be very disturbing for your readers, try to make things easy for your readers.

Arrange the tools in specific categories. In this way, your tools will look more relevant.

For example 

  • Web hosting: WordPress, themes, list-building tools
  • Training courses, books and manuals

7. Ensure To Add Proper Description

You must add a short description beside every tool you are putting on your resources pages. Don’t consider it done after just putting your affiliate links because it doesn’t work this way.. You must add how long you have been using this to ourselves, why you are using it, and what are its qualities. You can make some tutorials or interviews with the creators. It will make your recommendation more genuine.

This will build trust with your community.

8. Make It Easy To Navigate For Users

The next step is to create your resource page and make it easy for your audience to navigate. It means organizing your content by category. In this way, the audience will quickly navigate to the Portion they are looking for.

Following are the famous categories of online courses website ,hosting website ,teams getting started with WordPress business essentials.

You can also add H1 and H2 tags to make it easy for your users.h1and h2are good for SEO. If you have more optimized tags, you will easily get ranked on google.

9. Double Check Your Links

The most important step in creating a resource page is linking to the correct place. Some referral programs will offer you referral links which you can share with your audience. If your readers make purchases through your referral, you get paid for this.

Make sure to follow these two things.

The links you have added are correct and are not broken on your resource pages.

10. Update The Resource Page Frequently

If you have worked on all the tips previously mentioned, then you should work on your resources page. After publishing, you’re not done. You have a lot of work to do in maintaining your list if you are willing to be relevant with the time.

As you know, with time, sources also become outdated. Specifically, this Happens in the photography industry, where new techniques and technology are being adopted.

So you must keep an eye on all the trends so that you can suggest helpful and modern tools. In this way, you will remain authoritative and people will rely on your recommendation. Please update after every six months.

How To Promote Affiliate Resource Pages?

After you have optimized your resources page and the tools, then you should make it visible on your blog. It is very good if a large audience is visiting your page. If you have more visitors, your conversion rate will boost.

Many things can increase your conversion rate, boost your page and increase your affiliate income.

  • Add a page in the nature menu – You must link your tools resource page in the main menu of your website or blog.
  • custom promo graphics – Make a customized banner graphic for your resource page.
  • footer menu – Put a resource page link in the footer section of your website or page.
  • native linking – Put resource pages links in your blog articles to your T&R page.
  • video promo – Make a helpful video version of your resource page and tools. This video tells about the details of tools. If you upload this on your YouTube channel, you should add these links in the description.
  • Notify your community – If you are adding new tools to your resource page, then you should inform your subscriber.
  • Add a link in review content – You should add a resource page link to relevant review articles on each recommended tool.
  • Add resource page inks on the menu – If your visitors are unable to find your affiliate links, then it doesn’t matter how many affiliate links you are putting on your resources page. You can fix this problem by prominently adding this content to your blog’s typical navigation areas. You can do this by adding a resources page to your top bar menu. In this way, your visitor will not miss out on anything.

If you add it in your primary manual, it ensures your visitors that Your resource page is one of the key pieces of your content.

Final Thought

No doubt, with the help of the resources page, you can share your favorite tools, tips, and tricks with new users. You can do this by showing all your affiliate links. If your recommended products and links are valuable to your visitors, then you will build trust with your users. You must know these five tips in your mind in order to have a successful resources page.

You should add only those resources which are valuable to your readers. You must give a full explanation of the importance of each resource you add. Additionally disclose the affiliate links you add. Keep updating your resources page for their maintenance 

In your menu, add a link to your resources pages and earn extra dollars.

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